The Knowledge of Preschool Teachers about Developmental Disorders in the Context of Special Educational Needs
The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of the preschool teachers with regard to dyslexia, ADHD and autism in relation to the requirements of working with children with SEN in an inclusive education system in Poland. Based on the review of the literature, research problems were formulated related to a) the knowledge level of teachers from rural and urban areas on the selected developmental disorders, and b) a comparison of the declared and actual knowledge on this subject in both groups. An original questionnaire, consisting of two parts, was used. Part A measured the declared knowledge (DK) by checking the teacher’s degree of compliance with the claims concerning terminology, causes, symptoms, treatment and availability of information on the 4-point Likert scale. Part B measured actual knowledge (AK) through the self-generation of information in these areas. The subjects were selected randomly from urban (n = 50) and rural (n = 50) areas. Teachers filled in questionnaires during individual sessions. The results show a satisfactory level of DK of the respondents from both groups about the assessed disorders. Statistically significant differences between groups occurred in DK related to ADHD. AK was satisfactory in both groups, though slightly lower than DK. Larger differences between DK and AK have occurred in the group of rural teachers, with them presenting a lower level of AK on autism. Satisfactory knowledge on the developmental disorders should be constantly upgraded by teachers from urban and rural areas in the context of their work with children with SEN on a daily basis.
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