The Parents’ Role in Helping Children to Develop Reading Skills

Keywords: children’s reading skills, parents’ help, reading activities, kinds of children books


The article deals with the development of children’s reading skills that are regarded as the major foundational skills for all school-based learning, academic and occupational success. Thus, parents can and should play a significant role in helping their children to develop reading skills and in encouraging their growth in this respect. It is often emphasised that starting early is the best way for parents to prepare their child for school and life progress. As parents can have a huge impact on how quickly their children learn to read, the ways parents can help their children with reading are suggested in the article. It also includes activities for families with children that can make learning experiences out of the everyday routines in which parents and their children participate if they want to help children to gain the skills they need to become readers. The resulting steps that parents can take to help the child become a successful reader are offered. The author considers that it is important for parents to know what children like in books and the kinds of books that are the most suitable for children at different ages, and that the books that parents pick to read with the child are very important.


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How to Cite
Vasylenko, O. V. (2018). The Parents’ Role in Helping Children to Develop Reading Skills. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 12(4(46), 71-80.