The Development of the Subjectivity of Pupils in Relation to Their Identity

Keywords: education, pupil, teacher, identity, subjectivity


The sense of subjectivity is closely related to the basic didactic principle of the conscious and active participation of young children in the process of education. It is motivating for a pupil to perceive and experience himself as a subject – it means an individual who is equipped with a sense of differentiation in relation to other people and the surrounding world. On the one hand, the particular field of interest of educationalists is the essence of subjectivity and, on the other hand, these are relations between people who take part in educational interactions. The dual subjectivity of these relations should consist of the intentional reduction of the teacher’s subjectivity for the benefit of extending and supporting the subjectivity of pupils. The process of developing subjectivity has two dimensions based on two principles that seem to be mutually contradictory and inconsistent: individualization and socialization. The combination and integration of these two spheres at the level of education results in actions that support a child’s individual development. Hence, on the one hand development of subjectivity is related to building an image of oneself (identity) and on the other hand it depends on this image. In this way, it is a source of self-esteem, which builds and supports pupil’s identity. The mutual feedback between identity and the development of subjectivity forms a static mental disposition (Who am I?) and a dynamic psychical disposition (What can I do?). In this relation subjectivity is a kind of superstructure for identity. It is reflected in some indicators, that make identity more dynamic in the process of development of subjectivity. These are: self-awareness, pupil’s own preferences, pupil’s causal activity and responsibility for his or her own actions. Therefore, the development of a pupil’s subjectivity should be supported by pedagogical actions that are focused on developing the pupil’s individual identity.


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How to Cite
Juszczyk-Rygałło, J. (2016). The Development of the Subjectivity of Pupils in Relation to Their Identity. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(2(40), 13-24.