Instrumental Music and Its Influence on the Quality of the Artistic Output of Seven-Year-Old Children – a Research Report

  • Martyna Szczotka Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: instrumental music, creative work in the plastic arts, creative attitude, integration of music with the plastic arts, early-school education,


In the education of modern man a particularly important role is attributed to art. An integrated, holistic understanding of art and its educational impact leads to the conclusion that it has a great deal to offer children. It contributes to the development of their intellect, sensitivity, originality, imagination and creative attitude, where these are without doubt the most valuable attributes of each and every individual, which should be nurtured and developed right from the very first years of life. The various ways in which one can approach the creative activities of children and try to stimulate their artistic development have been the subject of research by numerous Polish and foreign pedagogues (S. Popek, I. Wojnar, U. Szuścik, S. Szuman, V. Lowenfeld, P. Wallon, and others), and such an interest in the topic confirms the importance of the particular issue addressed here. The latter centres on the problem of determining whether or not intensifying the educational process by stimulating the imaginations of sevenyear-olds with instrumental music results in a more active approach to the creative process itself – one in which pupils are more involved, and which is more effective from the point of view of its ultimate results. The essential research method used in this thesis has been the natural pedagogical experiment. The experiment mentioned was based on the canon of difference. Another applied technique has been the categorized observation as well as the ex post audit technique. On the basis of research results it could be acknowledged that the artistic activity stimulation in the form of instrumental music helps to enrich the quality of artistic work of 7-year-olds. Art classes of the integration nature are more beneficial to children due to the fact of developing creativity of the author’s art work and developing his artistic sensitivity and cognitive processes (perception, thinking, imagination). Therefore they stimulate different child’s activity spheres which foster the harmonious and comprehensive personality development.


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How to Cite
Szczotka, M. (2016). Instrumental Music and Its Influence on the Quality of the Artistic Output of Seven-Year-Old Children – a Research Report. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 10(38/4), 119-140.