Upbringing of Preschool Children in Opinion of Pedagogists and Publicists of Selected Journals in the Kingdom of Poland from the Second Half of the 19th and at the Beginning of the 20th Centuries
The aim of this article is to show pedagogists and publicists’ views on bringing and learning small children up in Polish territories in the second half of 19th and at the beginning of 20th centuries. To collect data they were used two methods: historical-critical analysis of sources and analysis of the press content. The attained material was submitted to qualitative analysis. The pedagogists, that were looking after small children, took society through the rules of functioning of the institutions and wit the main premises of the preschool education. The important role played journals in promotion of idea of preschool education, especially targeted at women – form mistress of a young generation. The publicists pointed to the meaning of the first years in child’s life, created awareness of parents about mistakes made by them, gave some advice and guideline, They also informed about the newly emerging educational establishments – care institutions and Froebel’s gardens, that gave the beginning preschool upbringing. The publicists also encouraged young women to take part in courses for froebel’s woman and take up work in children’s garden. All these acts contributed to popularize the idea of preschool education and improvement of education methods and nursery education.
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