Working with Gifted Child at Kindergarten Level

Keywords: ability, gifts, intelligence, creativity, educational work, programs supporting the gifts of the child, gifted children


Working with gifted children at kindergarten level is primarily a matter of identifying their interests, needs and abilities. The basis for diagnosing the gifted child is the adoption of a specific definition, and thus conception, of ability. A popular and widely accepted general conception of ability emphasizes that a gifted person is characterized by a high IQ, a creative attitude and a strong motivation to learn. In the case of children of preschool age, in most educational programs and plans one tries to support their creative potential. Apart from the general notion of ability, there is another conception – one which takes account of specific and directional abilities. The version of this that is most familiar to and used by educators is Howard Gardner’s notion of multiple intelligences. Both the theoretical assumptions involved in this, and its diagnostic tools, can be of help when planning involvements in different activities. Awareness of diversity in respect of children’s ability and development can add a further dimension to our understanding of education, supplementing that associated with universal features of their development. In Poland in recent years there have been several initiatives as regards working with gifted children, aimed at training teachers in this area and raising teachers’ and parents’ awareness of the need for early support of the development of the child and his or her talents and interests. Among preschool teachers, awareness is gradually increasing of the need to support the individual needs and abilities of children. More and more institutions are introducing programs to promote the talents of children and trying to obtain the relevant certification. However, the problem of gifted and talented children is specific and affects many aspects, all of which must be taken into account in any educationally oriented teaching activities.


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How to Cite
Surma, B. (2016). Working with Gifted Child at Kindergarten Level. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 9(32/2), 11-22.