Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) and STEAM in Kindergarten and Sustainable Development
The objective of the article is to show the educational assumptions for sustainable development, as well as the ability to fulfil them in preschool. Such education encompasses aspects related to ecological, social and economic education, perceiving them as elements of a whole. Moreover, education for sustainable development is closely connected with actions promoting the sustainable quality of life. It helps us understand ourselves and the surrounding reality, and it enables us to build good relationships with people. Starting from the assumption that we have to depart from deductive methods in the process of education, the author of the article presents the assumptions of the methods based on inquiry, reasoning and STEAM. On the basis of the analysis and comparison of Polish curricula of preschool education for the years 1999, 2008 and 2017, their interpretation was prepared. The main assumption of this analysis is indicating the direction of changes and opportunities to introduce the methods that are to improve the quality of preschool children education. We live in the era of the society of knowledge which is changing and becoming more and more complex, which is why the situation requires new competences.
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