Pedagogy of Play in the Music Education of Third Grade Elementary School Students - a research report

Keywords: pedagogy of play, music education, early childhood education, music pedagogy of play


Classes taught at school should be a space where students have the opportunity to fully develop, discover themselves, awaken and develop their potential and passions, as well as to acquire the knowledge necessary for effective functioning in the world. The use of properly selected methods during classes is essential to create an environment in which children can study and develop. Pedagogy of play incorporates a wealth of methods that offer a number of benefits and advantages that come with learning through play. Play triggers joy in children, creates space where they can be themselves, explore and be creative while improving the competencies necessary for life. Pedagogy of play also creates a favorable environment for working with children in music classes. The freedom and dynamics of play perfectly match the child’s musical activities. The main purpose of the study was to investigate how children function and perform during classes that incorporate musical pedagogy of play. The study was conducted using qualitative field research conducted at Bogdan Jański Elementary School in Kraków, Poland. The results of the study suggest that pedagogy of play creates a friendly environment for the development and formation of various competencies in children during a music class.


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How to Cite
Szczotka, M. (2024). Pedagogy of Play in the Music Education of Third Grade Elementary School Students - a research report. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(3(74), 129-145.