Polish Language and Literature Education in the face of Integration in Elementary Education
The main problem of this article is the relation of Polish language and literature education to the idea of integration in elementary education. In the preface part of the text the author reports discussions around the idea of integration and integrated education and takes a stance on vagueness of the terms and misunderstandings around them. The first part of the article is devoted to the necessity and special role of Polish education (especially language one) of the future elementary education teachers in the context of integration demands. The second part is the analysis of possibilities of language and literature education use in the process of integration of pupils' knowledge, experience and skills. The author refers to the demands of curricular basis (podstawa programowa) and offers practical solutions that may help in its realization. In conclusion, it is stated the necessity to keep the special character of Polish language and literature education that should be focused above all on language awareness, value of words and on literary works. The integrating dimensioncannot obscure these most important, peculiar aims.References
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