Subtle Visual Differentiation and Identification of Letters in Isolation. Report on Research

  • Joanna Skibska Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej Katedra Pedagogiki
Keywords: subtle visual differentiation, visual perception, visual identification, identification of letters


The following paper is devoted to research on the subtle visual differentiation and identification of the dependence which exists between the visual differentiation and identification of letters in isolation. The study also refers to the existence of the relationship between the precision of copying simple and complex figures arranged differently in space. This means that, among the figures involved in the attempt to copy geometric shapes, we can distinguish figures which determine the accuracy of copying the remaining figures within the same group. In reference to the obtained test results, it is very important and reasonable to take measures aimed at carrying out screening diagnostic tests that will enable us to distinguish students who should be subject to further specialized diagnostic tests. On their example, the school will be able to introduce professional assistance activities aimed at correcting and compensating functions that determine the course of further education. 


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How to Cite
Skibska, J. (2017). Subtle Visual Differentiation and Identification of Letters in Isolation. Report on Research. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 12(2(44), 59-70.