Board Games as Tools Supporting the Complex Development of a Child

Keywords: game, board game, early school child, child’s complex development


The dynamic development of modern technology offers to the younger generation an attractive form of leisure. At the same time however, it has transformed active and creative researcher-students into passive consumers of electronic junk food, more often residing in the virtual world than in reality. One way of preventing the phenomenon of mass addiction to computers, tablets, and smartphones, is the proposal to spend our free time together with board games. Thus, board games are the object of this article. The aim of this publication is to show the meaning of board games in stimulating the child’s complex development. One cannot assume that time spent with board games is worthless entertainment. The scope of contemporary board games is so wide that it can be adjusted to every age, possibilities, and needs of the interested group. It is attractive in terms of its diversity, richness, subject matter, complexity, and aesthetic accomplishment. In this way it fosters the broadening of both general knowledge, and the specific one from many scientific areas. Board games form the students’ social competences, motivate the appropriate expression of emotions – experiencing not only winning or failure, but also the whole spectrum of feelings that accompany them. To some extend, they inspire us also to take up a physical activity.


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How to Cite
Szewczuk, K. (2018). Board Games as Tools Supporting the Complex Development of a Child. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 13(4(50), 141-153.