Supporting and Modeling Children’s Development in the Area of Healthy Nutrition in the Family and in an Educational Institution

Keywords: nutrition education in kindergarten and school, sensory learning in nutrition education, techniques and forms of work in nutrition education, development of interest in nutrition issues, nutrition education programs


The aim of the study is to emphasize the need for nutritional edu­cation at an early stage of children’s development. The necessity of influencing this field is indisputable. It results from many theoretical and especially practical premises. The idea of this article is to draw the readers’ attention to specific developmental needs that should be considered when designing work in the field of nutrition education with the youngest children. This reflection concentrates around the question concerning activi­ties related to nutrition education among children and factors that must be taken into account in the construction of nutrition education models. The analysis of source literature suggests that nutritional education is an effective tool that can be used in health promotion programs already in early childhood. Such education should be implemented using appropriate techniques, taking into account specific problems and developmental needs of children. It should also take into consid­eration the environmental context. The first part of the study presents the definition of nutrition edu­ cation and shows nutrition education against the background of ac­tivities related to health promotion implemented in kindergartens / schools. In the further part of the study, the author emphasizes the importance of the educational and family environment in the process of developing interests related to nutritional issues. Next, the author presents the possibilities of influencing taste prefe­rences at an early stage of life and supporting the development of healthy eating practices among children. The author characterizes selected techniques for the implementation of nutritional education in an educational institution in cooperation with the family. On the basis of the analysis of source literature, we can indicate the need to implement activities in the field of nutrition education at the first stages of child education to support and model the process of developing interest in nutritional issues.


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How to Cite
Kos, E. A. (2020). Supporting and Modeling Children’s Development in the Area of Healthy Nutrition in the Family and in an Educational Institution. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(4(58), 9-22.
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