Specific Characteristics of Educating Early School Teachers in Finland and Estonia. Similarities and Differences

Keywords: education of early school teachers in Finland and Estonia, status of the teaching profession, teacher training curriculum, internship for early school teachers


High quality of teacher training is the main reason for the success of the Finnish and Estonian education systems. The aim of this study is to present selected aspects of the process of teaching early school educators in Finland and Estonia – the countries in which education systems are effective, innovative and rank highest in European analyses concerning schools. What is the secret of the success of Finnish teacher education, often considered a benchmark among European countries; and of the Estonian system of teacher training, which is hardly ever mentioned? This is the question on which this work is focused. The analysis of sources makes it possible to identify key innovative elements of teacher education in Finland and Estonia, and to show similarities and differences in both systems. In the first part of the article, the author analyses the status of the teaching profession in Finland and Estonia, and then she discusses the recruitment process and the specific characteristics of teacher training systems in these countries. Taking into account that the quality of the education system is directly related to the specific nature of teacher education, the author studies the Finnish and Estonian curricula of studies, and tries to find some elements that can be considered outstanding. Also, she discusses in detail the specific characteristics of student internship and the initiative of the professional year.


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How to Cite
Kos, E. A. (2021). Specific Characteristics of Educating Early School Teachers in Finland and Estonia. Similarities and Differences. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(2(60), 65-76. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2021.1660.05