A Sense of the Participation of Teachers of Early Childhood Education in Educational Transformations. A Report on Research
The object of the conducted research was to gauge a sense of the participation of teachers of early childhood education in educational transformations. The aim of the study was to determine the teachers’ understanding of the notion of educational transformation, examine their attitude to changes occurring in education and the perceived level of participation in the introduced changes. The survey research using opinion poll techniques was conducted in the school year 2015/2016 among 96 teachers in the Silesia and Małopolska Provinces. In their statements, the interviewed teachers indicated a tendency to an adaptive perception of their functioning within the changes in education. Furthermore, the teachers perceive barriers in their participation in the educational changes both in formal-organizational and competence dimensions. Although they believe that changes in education are extremely important and should be made, the authorship of changes is not an object of action of many of the respondents. The results obtained within the study are a challenge for educational institutions in terms of training and improving teachers in taking action aimed at changing the way teachers think of themselves as animators of transformations in today’s rapidly changing educational reality.
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