The Principle of the Child’s Welfare and Its Implications for Legal Socialization at School

Keywords: school, law, legal socialization, welfare of the child


The aim of the paper is to outline a framework for a research project concerned with realizing, in a principled way, children’s best interest as this shows up in the context of school-based education and socialization. The planned research aims to diagnose the determinants of normative socialization at school. Thus, a proper realization of the basic functions that schools are meant to fulfil, together with an appropriate level of quality in respect of these, will together guarantee both the realization of the child’s right to education and an appropriate path of development as regards socialization. The general outline of the development of normative socialization is defined by legal principles and norms, among which the principle of children’s best interest holds an important position. It is supposed to prevent abuse and improprieties in this sphere. In the first part of the paper, the authors analyse the basic functions of school, with a primary focus on normative socialization as a specific kind of socialization taking place at school alongside the process of education itself. This process of normative socialization is defined in the psychological and sociological literature in a variety of ways. The principle of children’s best interest, seen in the light of both the Convention on the Rights of the Child and of Polish legislation, constitutes the subject of the analyses presented in the second part of the paper. The third part presents a description of how the research is conceived in methodological terms, and here the authors concentrate on the aims and methods of the research to be carried out, paying attention to its significance both from the point of view of the pedagogical sciences and from that of legal theory. The practical aim of the research is to optimize the process of pupils’ normative socialization, where this may then in turn become a tool for shaping pro-legal attitudes and the status of young people as a legal entity.


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How to Cite
Kozak, M., & Kusztal, J. (2014). The Principle of the Child’s Welfare and Its Implications for Legal Socialization at School. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 9(34/4), 89-104.