Shaping Key Competences of Elementary Education Teachers – Research Report

Keywords: key competences, kindergarten and early school teacher, elementary education, teacher education programme, early education


The objective of the article is to present the results of pilot studies carried out among the second-year students of extramural and full-time studies in pedagogy with the specialisation: kindergarten and early school pedagogy, and among the first-year students participating in the project entitled “Experimental programme of educating kindergarten and early school teachers at AIK”. This project is co-financed from the European Union funds within the European Social Fund, and its objective is to increase the competences of people participating in education at the university level in order to meet the needs of economy, labour market and society through the preparation and implementation of the innovative programme of educating teachers of early education. The diagnostic-verification research was carried out in June 2019. The students evaluated their key competences obtained in the process of education. In order to compare them, the U Mann-Withney Test was applied. The analysis of the results makes it possible to evaluate the programmes that are the basis for preparing a new model of shaping the key competences of elementary education teachers. The article presents the assumptions of the programme of educating teachers, the methodological bases for the research, and the analysis of the collected research results.


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How to Cite
Surma, B. (2019). Shaping Key Competences of Elementary Education Teachers – Research Report. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 14(2(52), 93-104.