Value of Reflective Narrative Expression in Chosen Qualitative Research Techniques Oriented Towards Improving the Pedagogical Practice of Elementary Education Teachers

Keywords: reflection, narrative, culture, expression, research techniques, reflection, narrative, culture, expression, research techniqes


The article is aimed at showing the role and meaning of reflective narrative expression in building up selected qualitative research techniques in the work of a teacher, especially an elementary education teacher. The research techniques constructed by the author, such as the journal of reflections, a reflective journal, a reflective essay, a reflective-discur- sive essay, are placed within the subjective-participatory paradigm. Their creation was inspired by the richness of literary techniques used by, e.g., Laurence Stern or Virginia Woolf. The reflections conducted within those techniques include intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions. They refer to cultural artifacts and, on the one hand, they are to improve the axiological consciousness of the subjects taking part in the research, and, on the other hand, they can be regarded as a precious source of information that needs to be analysed and interpreted in the research paradigm, which may facilitate understanding of one’s own cultural and spiritual interior. It is especially important in personal, professional, and formative development of elementary education teachers, whose reflective-narrative competences seem to be important for shaping the reflective-narrative expression of children who will be the creators, lovers and recipients of culture in future. The method of analysing the collected materials in terms of a possible connection between narration, reflection and culture leads towards emphasizing its value in the light of the narrative research techniques used by the author. This is reflected in the adoption of a particular research procedure that takes into account the issues in question.


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How to Cite
Szymańska, M. (2021). Value of Reflective Narrative Expression in Chosen Qualitative Research Techniques Oriented Towards Improving the Pedagogical Practice of Elementary Education Teachers. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(2(60), 119-133.