The Pupil as a Subject and Object of a Teacher’s Activity

Keywords: subject, object, pupil, teacher, teacher’s activity


The matter of subjectivity in a teacher’s attitude to students who are treated as subjects and objects reveal anthropological, axiological and pedagogical points of view. The article aims to show these points of view in the subjective building of the relationship between teacher and pupil who is the subject-object of upbringing, didactic etc. activities oriented towards him/her. This context elicits the specific meaning of object reference to a person who does not lower her values – the highest one among others. It stresses the necessity of hard work upon both teacher’s and students’ moral character that is grounded in values and virtues. That is why, analyzing the issues of subjectivity, one cannot omit the meaning of moral norms and principles fundamental to a teacher’s acts which are directed to a pupil. These acts of doing express the teacher’s real moral approach to values as well as indicating the quality of valuing the choices and decisions. The moral norms and principles deployed in activities taken by him/her enable the assessment of whether a particular act of doing has a subjective dimension and if it is embedded in the subjectivity source of his/her maker and creator, who in a subjective way refers to the object of his/her acts – the student. Thus, as it is depicted, understanding the student’s objective treatment does not depreciate his/her dignity. The material presented in the article highlights the analytical- synthetic and heuristic method used in the theoretical research. It is a reply to the research problem that is latent in the question – How is the understanding of the subject-object student’s treatment presented from the anthropological – pedagogical perspective determined axiologically? The answer is reflected in the analysis of the subjective and objective approach to the student in the teacher’s activity that is oriented towards building a personal interaction with the student.


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How to Cite
Szymańska, M. (2016). The Pupil as a Subject and Object of a Teacher’s Activity. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(2(40), 57-70.

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