Acquisition of Key Competences for Teachers of Early Childhood Education in a Changing Education and Social World

  • Aneta Kamińska Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: competences, key competences, lifelong acquisition of competences


In the current era of rapid development affecting citizens of Europe – in, amongst others, both the social and the professional spheres – many recommendations made by the Council of Europe have emphasized the importance of possessing the right competences – and, in particular, those identified as key competences. It is considered advisable to acquire not only the broad general knowledge that is needed across all professions and in the event of retraining, but also specific, detailed skills, such as need to be employed in practice in the right and proper way. The teaching profession, including that of teachers specializing in early-childhood education, is no exception. It is a job that requires one to make use of one’s many talents and skills, as well as flexibility, mobility and creativity. For a teacher to be considered competent, he/she has to be capable of working effectively in both their educational institution and their local area. Numerous competencies, acquired during formal and informal education, will help him/her to meet these challenges. The purpose of this article is to show the diversity and multiplicity of the competences required for the teaching profession to fulfil its role of being responsive to social needs in a dynamic and lively way. It is aimed primarily at students of pedagogy, but also at practitioners in the area of early-childhood education – in the hope that it will make them aware them of the fact that the process of acquiring competences continues throughout all of one’s life. Indeed, it is often the case that this process involves and reflects many different lifecircumstances and experiences, not always of a favorable kind. For this reason, we stress the importance of cooperation between teachers working in early-childhood education and all of the different stakeholders involved in education – cooperation that should include an exchange of information amongst the various expert groups involved.


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How to Cite
Kamińska, A. (2016). Acquisition of Key Competences for Teachers of Early Childhood Education in a Changing Education and Social World. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 9(31/1), 53-68.

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