Healthy Eating Awareness among Early School Children and Activities Undertaken by Schools

Keywords: pupil, health, primary school, healthy eating, awareness


In our times, the knowledge of good nutrition as an important health factor is an element of social awareness. One of the primary responsibilities of schools, which perform educational and didactic functions,
is to increase this knowledge and develop habits and attitudes promoting healthy eating. Therefore, it seems advisable to undertake and conduct research among primary school students in order to learn about their awareness of healthy eating and about nutrition education activities undertaken by schools. In the empirical part of the article, there is an analysis of the findings of the research conducted among second- and third-graders (N=170) in selected primary schools across the Biała Podlaska district in the Lublin voivodeship. The quantitative research is complemented with the qualitative research in the form of individual interviews with eight form teachers responsible for the classes covered by the study. The analysis and interpretation of the
results, on the one hand, indicated a high level of pupils’ knowledge of good nutrition, which is largely influenced by the interesting educational activities conducted by the teachers. On the other hand, such
analysis evaluated the pupils’ diet which, in many aspects, gives rise to concern and requires integration with their families.


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How to Cite
Nazaruk, S. K. (2020). Healthy Eating Awareness among Early School Children and Activities Undertaken by Schools. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(4(58), 103-116.
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