

“My good and noble health, none knows thy worth until we fall ill.” This famous quotation from the 16th century Polish poet, Jan Kochanowski from Czarnolas, are still valid. Especially now, during the world pandemic of Covid-19, traditional wishes of health have gained a new meaning. Good health has become a precious and tangible value which we all aim for and desire, a status which we care about and pray for. We all perceive it in a slightly different manner, from different perspectives, and the pproaches to the definition of good health confirm that there are many threads and meanings we attach to this concept. There is no doubt, however, that good health exerts a significant influence on the quality of our life.


Contento I. (2018). Edukacja żywieniowa, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

Fijałkowska A., Oblacińska A., Stalmach M. (red.). (2017). Nadwaga i otyłość u polskich 8-latków w świetle uwarunkowań biologicznych, behawioralnych i społecznych. Raport z międzynarodowych badań WHO, Warszawa: Instytut Matki i Dziecka.

How to Cite
Szewczuk, K., & Szczotka, M. (2020). Introduction. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 15(4(58), 5-6. Retrieved from