The Cooperation of the Kindergarten with Parents and the Local Community as One of the Trends in Pre-school Education – a Comparative Analysis

  • Aneta Kamińska Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: cooperation with parents, cooperation with local community, local community, pre-school education, participants of education


The importance of cooperation can be examined from the historical perspective and in Poland it was not as popular even five years ago as it is today. Contemporary social, political, economic and educational changes have forced a different meaning of cooperation of the participants of education. It seems that they are more dependent on one another and they need each other to fulfil educational purposes. One of the tasks of the preschool institution is to socialize young learners. It can be done properly only when it is organized as a collaboration between the mentioned institution, parents and the local community. The aim of the article is to depict how cooperation among those educational participants is valuable and how it influences children. The paper shows both the benefits and some difficulties concerning its organisation. It has a comparative dimension because it approximates the adjustments of other countries connected to it. What is more, some fragmentary research of cooperation between pre-school institutions, parents and local community is characterized.


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How to Cite
Kamińska, A. (2016). The Cooperation of the Kindergarten with Parents and the Local Community as One of the Trends in Pre-school Education – a Comparative Analysis. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 10(36/2), 31-42.

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