Introducing the Pre-Schooler to the World of Values and the Role of Children’s Literature – Examples of Pedagogical Practice

Keywords: child, family, kindergarten, values, children literature


It is commonly said that we live in a time of the relativism of values and this results in modern man having difficulty in defining values and applying them to life. The basic place of promoting these values is the family but the kindergarten undoubtedly shares this role due to the educational and didactic functions it implements since it introduces a child into the world of values. Both in the family and the kindergarten, the role and the value of children’s literature is not overestimated in the process of shaping the value system of a child. It is created for children, for their benefit. The article presents the results of research conducted in five selected local self-government kindergartens in Biała Podlaska. The main purpose of the research was to uncover the practical dimension of the use of literature by children aged 6 and the values it promotes. The purpose was achieved by means of four tasks: getting to know the titles of children’s books at home and their preferred literary positions; getting to know their favourite characters; identifying the literacy of children and the situations in which they have contact with books in a kindergarten. The research shows that building the world of values for a child without literature aimed at them is practically impossible. The way in which it is used, however, is primarily dependent on parents and the kindergarten.


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How to Cite
Nazaruk, S. K. (2017). Introducing the Pre-Schooler to the World of Values and the Role of Children’s Literature – Examples of Pedagogical Practice. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 12(3(45), 175-185.