

Contemporary education can be understood as a system of different connections and interconnections that influence each other not only on the local scale, but on
a much larger scale. None of the processes that take place in one country apply only in its territory, but affects other societies. Such a situation has been defined as globalization that fosters building the concept of one, unified world. Zbyszko Melosik shows two of its aspects when analysing this phenomenon. The first, positive one indicates the equality of nations and increasing sensitivity towards cultural differences. The process of globalization is accompanied by the phenomenon of multiculturalism and a consciousness of cultural diversity, which should lead to the acceptance of otherness and integrity. The second one concentrates on showing the negative attributes of globalization – the dominance of some societies upon others, the dissemination of Western cultural standards, the homogenization of world or the lack of understanding of cultural otherness.


Surma B., Wychowanie religijne dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym wobec wyzwań współczesnego świata, [w:] Nowe wyzwania i perspektywy dla wychowania przedszkolnego i edukacji wczesnoszkolnej, red. B. Surma, Kraków 2012, s. 205‒206.

How to Cite
Szewczuk, K. (2017). Introduction. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 12(2(44), 7-8. Retrieved from