The Integration of Foreign Languages in Early Education in Poland based on Own Research

  • Aneta Kamińska Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: integrated education, holistic education, broad based, education, foreign language, teaching foreign language, young learners


Foreign languages have been an obligatory educational area in early integrated education since 2008 and, as a result, there should be integrated content, methods and didactic devices in the process of the foreign language teaching of young learners. The aim of this article is to describe the situation of the integration of the teaching of foreign languages into integrated educational studies of I‒III classes. However, the main question of this research is if the foreign language is integrated enough in that area of education of the young learners. The research of that article was conducted thanks to quantitative methods ‒ namely a survey. After the analysis of the research, some conclusions are suggested that all foreign language teachers should understand the idea of integration, consult the content, didactic methods and didactic devices with the main teacher and integrate it with other educational areas of early education. According to the research, an insufficient number of groups do so. There have been many valuable publications about the early education integrated studies but there are only a few books and articles about the integration of foreign languages. The theme of the teaching of foreign languages in the model of integrated studies has not yet been developed and this is why this research offers something quite new and interesting, albeit in need of  further study.


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How to Cite
Kamińska, A. (2017). The Integration of Foreign Languages in Early Education in Poland based on Own Research. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 12(2(44), 73-85.
Teaching Foreing Languages to Children - Scientific articles

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