The Role of a Teacher in Discovering Pupil’s Talents and Passion in the light of Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica, in Polish translation by A. Baj, Wydawnictwo Element, Kraków 2015, p. 268

  • Maria Szymańska Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie


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How to Cite
Szymańska, M. (2017). The Role of a Teacher in Discovering Pupil’s Talents and Passion in the light of Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica, in Polish translation by A. Baj, Wydawnictwo Element, Kraków 2015, p. 268. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 12(3(45), 221-232. Retrieved from

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