Diagnosis of Professional Competencies and Training Needs of Preschool and Early School Education Teachers
Among many factors that influence the quality and effectiveness of the work of a school, kindergarten or another educational institution, a teacher and his/her professional competences are very important. At the time when the Polish educational system is undergoing another reform, both in terms of structure and curriculum, the preparation of teachers to implement it, especially in terms of professional competences, seems to be of key significance. The quality of teachers’ work, their substantial preparation, is not only crucial for the proper implementation of reforms – which seems to be particularly important for the authors of the reforms – but for the main subject of educational actions, i. e. the child and its general development. Effective teaching in the kindergarten and at the first level of education shall make it possible for the students to achieve success at the further stages of education. That is why, it seems right to take up partial research among kindergarten and early education teachers in order to diagnose, on the basis of their self-assessment, professional competences, as well as the needs and expectations in terms of professional improvement. That main objective was fulfilled due to the research carried out among the teachers working in kindergartens and classes I-III of primary schools from the Biała Podlaska region and city, in the Lublin voivodeship. The method of a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire was applied in the research. The research results provided interesting information on the teachers’ self-assessment of their own competences on a three-grade scale. It is worth mentioning that most teachers situate their competences at the second, i. e. medium level. Also, the research made it possible to collect and describe the scale of the teachers’ needs and expectations in terms of professional improvement, which influences both their own development and the effective work with children.
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