Vol. 41 No. 2/2 (2023): Rights of Nations in the Era of Cultural Interaction

This issue of the journal is related to the contemporary topical issue of the rights of peoples in the era of cultural interaction. The assembly and editing of texts related to the aforementioned issues was undertaken by Professor of the Jagiellonian University, Leszek Korporowicz, PhD, a long-time collaborator of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow, including in the Social Dictionaries project, where, together with Dr. Łukasz Burkiewicz and Dr. Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk, he became co-editor of the Studia kulturowe collection (Krakow 2022). The leading issue in this journal will be presented in an introduction prepared by Prof. Korporowicz. I would like to mention that in this section there are seventeen texts written by authors from various scientific centers in Poland.