The Principle of Educational Partnership in Early Childhood Education

Keywords: educational partnership, the educational partnership principle, students, parents, teachers, triple subjectivity


Among the principles directing the teaching - educational activity of the teacher with students and fixing the rules of this activity, an important role is attributed to the principle of educational partnership, based on a community of mutual interaction between the three entities of education: students – teachers – parents, on mutual relations, multidirectional communication, interactions accompanied by negotiations, on the educational-teaching and socio-cultural activity and their psycho-cultural approach to teaching, learning and education as an interactive process. The principle is based on a common goal, multilateral relations, voluntary, equality, support and accountability requires defining responsibilities, areas and framework of undertaken cooperation. This article presents the concepts of partnership and the principle of educational partnership, focusing on the ideas and the sphere of socialisation of the child’s early education in a variety of environments. The educational partnership in light of the humanistic paradigm, criteria and forms of cooperation with parents and stakeholders, the fundamental dimensions of partnership and the types and conditions of cooperation between family, school and community are presented. The further part includes three valuable characteristics of the concept of an educational partnership of Maria Mendel – Transparent school, Inter professional community and the Flexible school, being a foundation for pedagogical discourse. Particular attention is paid to the ways of implementing this principle in educational practice, the implementation of which in the era of dynamic transformation is not easy. Apart from the positive aspects of application of this principle in working with children, the involvement of parents in the school environment, broadly understood, is emphasised and the conflicts and difficulties in establishing partnership relations are indicated.


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How to Cite
Karbowniczek, J. (2016). The Principle of Educational Partnership in Early Childhood Education. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 11(2(40), 71-84.

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