Edukacja Elementarna w Teori i Praktyce

Current Issue

Vol. 19 No. 2 (73) (2024): The Role of Family and School in the Formation of Inter- and Intrapersonal Competence
Published: 2024-06-27
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The quarterly Elementary Education in Theory and Practice discusses important issues concerning the education of preschool and early school children.

The journal is listed in databases: DOAJ, Erih Plus, BazHum, CEEOL, CEJHS, Index Copernicus, Pol-index, National Library, and on the ministerial list of punctuated journals.

Scoring of the journal Edukacja Elementarna w Theory i Pratyce on ministerial lists: 2022 - 70 points, 2023 - 100 points, 2024 - 70 points

The topics of the next issues can be found in the news section