Innovative Ideas in Maria Montessori’s Method

  • Barbara Surma
Keywords: innovation, creativity, Montessori method, development material, prepared environment


The aim of this article is to present potential options of creative approach to working with kindergarten children in the method of Maria Montessori, which came into being as a result of an experiment conducted at the beginning of the 20th century. The very theoretical assumptions of this method contain a premise of its openness to innovation: the child is in the centre of pedagogical activity. An individual approach to children, who develop according to their own plan and in various cultural contexts can be implemented in special conditions, which M. Montessori labeled „prepared environment”. Trying to prepare such an environment tailored to children’s needs, teachers create new development materials. In order to explain how and in what scope innovation can be introduced according to the Montessori method, this article presents a description of the selected innovative development materials in five educational areas.


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How to Cite
Surma, B. (2016). Innovative Ideas in Maria Montessori’s Method. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 1(22/4), 9-24. Retrieved from

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