Edukacja Elementarna w Teori i Praktyce

Current Issue

Vol. 19 No. 4(75) (2024): From STEAM concepts to education for sustainable development - new ideas in the education and upbringing of the young child

The discussion of modernising education is invariably linked to reforming it, and the need for modernisation is permanently embedded in the condition of schools. What direction should these reforms take? What is at the heart of school modernisation? We can ask more of such questions, but, as J. Delors points out, the fundamental direction of these changes is determined by the future, and we must “think about our future and build it together” (Delors, 1998).

Published: 2024-12-24
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The quarterly Elementary Education in Theory and Practice discusses important issues concerning the education of preschool and early school children.

The journal is listed in databases: DOAJ, Erih Plus, BazHum, CEEOL, CEJHS, Index Copernicus, Pol-index, National Library, and on the ministerial list of punctuated journals.

Scoring of the journal Edukacja Elementarna w Theory i Pratyce on ministerial lists: 2022 - 70 points, 2023 - 100 points, 2024 - 70 points

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