Methods of Educational Support Used by Teachers of Classes I-III – Research Report

Keywords: method, teaching method, educational support methods, early education teachers


The quality of the educational system functioning depends on many factors among which the person of the teacher, his accrual education, and preparation for working with children are the most important. The teacher’s “equipment” should not only be based on the ­colloquial experience, but, first of all, it should be well rooted in the contemporary theoretical pedagogical thought. While preparing for the classes, the teacher should unconditionally know the principles of the ­didactic-educational work with children, the methods of teaching and learning, organisational forms of working with students, as well as didactic tools that are to support his/her work. This work aimed at learning the opinion of teachers of classes I-III on the use of methods supporting the students’ educational activity. The main research method was a diagnostic survey with the technique of a questionnaire. The research made it possible to obtain the answers to the research problems formulated in the work. According to the research results, teachers see the need to focus on the process of learning, and not teaching. The student becomes a subject with his/her own interests and individual needs, and he/she has the right to intelligent development in different aspects of his/her life. It is the most important objective of integrated education which we are now trying to achieve through, inter alia, the use of various methods of the students’ educational support. Such a way of acting, based on creative activity, determines the maximization of the child’s developmental chances. In his personal actions, the student, using the experience gained during the classes when activating, problem, analytical and verbal methods are applied, becomes a competent, creative unit who can take up all challenges, and then deal with them in everyday life.


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How to Cite
Szczotka, M., & Szewczuk, K. (2019). Methods of Educational Support Used by Teachers of Classes I-III – Research Report. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 14(2(52), 105-120.

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