Are 6-year Old Children Ready to Read and Write with “Pictures and Patterns. The Developmental Program in Visual Perception” by M. Frostig and D. Horne? A Case Study

Keywords: school maturity, reading, writing, visual perception, motor skills


When starting school, a child has to face various emotional, social and cognitive difficulties. A good preparation for the acquisition of two key competences in early childhood education constitutes a significant half of the child’s successful start at school. Learning to read and write is a complicated process. Therefore, already in the first months of a 6-year-old's kindergarten education, the child undergoes observation concluding with a school readiness test, which provides teachers with a lot of important information about the child's level of visual and auditory perception and fine motor skills, which are necessary for developing reading and writing skills.

The considerations included in this article focus on  the extent to which 6-year-old children are ready to learn to write and read. However, the aim of the research was to determine the level of preparation of 6-year-old children in the field of writing and reading. The main research method used in the research was the case study method, which relied on observation. The study included children who were initially diagnosed with low level of visual functions and motor skills development, and thus qualified for corrective and compensatory classes, which took place in the kindergarten. The research was carried out for a period of six months and it was based on work with the project “Pictures and Patterns. The Developmental Program in Visual Perception”  by M. Frostig and D. Horne. As the research results suggest, the greatest advances in children were recorded in the area of visual perception and hand-eye coordination.


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How to Cite
Szczotka, M. (2021). Are 6-year Old Children Ready to Read and Write with “Pictures and Patterns. The Developmental Program in Visual Perception” by M. Frostig and D. Horne? A Case Study. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(5 (63), 147-165.

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