
Keywords: creativity, entrepreneurship, music, preschool education, early childhood education


Currently, in various situations, the importance and need for creativity, which is one of the components of entrepreneurship, is exposed. The rapidly changing modern world makes demands, which can often be met effectively only by a person who thinks in an unusual, original, innovative way, going beyond the patterns. Creativity is the key to progress and development, a source of innovations, improvements and discoveries in various spheres of social, cultural and economic life; it affects the way an individual acts not only in problematic situations, but also in ordinary, everyday situations of being in the world (Parczewska, Zwierzchowska 2017: 34). Being creative brings many benefits to both the individual and his/her environment.
Entrepreneurship is also a very important and desirable trait. It is useful in practice and regardless of what we do in life. Entrepreneurship is not only the ability to manage your money and the ability to save. It is also the ability to see needs and improve ideas, creativity and innovation, the ability to seize opportunities, the willingness to take risks, independence, the ability to anticipate the consequences of one's actions and take responsibility for them. It is commonly accepted that entrepreneurship is not an inborn feature of human personality, but an attitude that can be shaped and developed in the course of upbringing and school education from an early age.

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Parczewska T., Zwierzchowska I. (2017). Swoistość postrzegania kreatywności, [w:] J. Bałachowicz J., Adamek I. (red.), Kreatywność jako wymiar profesjonalizacji przyszłych nauczycieli wczesnej edukacji, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, s. 34.
Wollman L. (2017), Przedsiębiorczość w procesie uczenia się w koncepcji Guya Claxtona, [w:] A. Murzyn, U. Szuścik (red.), Przedsiębiorczość jako wartość edukacji, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, s. 128–139.
How to Cite
Szczotka, M., & Szewczuk, K. (2022). Introduction. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 17(2(65), 5-6. Retrieved from

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