Computer-aided Musical Abilities and Skills of 6-year-old Children
In the literature, a great deal of space has been devoted to issues relating to the development of the basic musical skills of young children, which are extremely important with respect to their ongoing active and creative contact with music. Closely connected to musical skills are musical abilities, inasmuch as these constitute their potential for acquiring the former. Each child, from the moment of their birth, is equipped to a greater or lesser degree with musical abilities. Musical skills, on the other hand, only manifest themselves in the child’s actual musical activities, and are developed via the learning process itself. Recent studies of the level of musical appreciation amongst preschool children present a picture that is not optimistic. More and more authors are realizing that this problem is leaving children with no musical education, which means no musical activity, so that the basic musical abilities of each pupil are unsupported, leading to ignorance of the unique code that a musical language is. It is therefore necessary to search for new educational methods and solutions relevant to the work of teachers in the field of music appreciation at kindergarten level. The issue of how one might use the computer as a medium to support the process of developing musical abilities and skills within the preschool education process has rarely been taken up, even though it is more and more difficult for teachers using traditional working methods to fulfil current pedagogical requirements. At the same time, a number of teachers do already use modern forms of IT in their pedagogical work, and the number of pedagogical innovations based on the use of educational multimedia programs is growing. In fact, the results of the aforementioned research suggest that both the level of the musical abilities and the level of the musical skills of preschool children did not differ significantly across the two approaches to working on children’s musical development, and this constitutes an important insight for teachers, who often overestimate the importance of IT in teaching and learning processes.References
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