Vol. 18 No. 3(70) (2023): Dialogue in Multicultural Conditions

This issue of EETP deals with current and urgent problems in Polish elementary education, which have come to prominence in the wake of the tragic situation of our neighbors – the war in Ukraine. Problems of the spatial and cultural coexistence of individuals and social groups that differ in many respects require further search for solutions, despite the numerous activities of researchers: educators, psychologists, linguists, glottodidacticians, cultural studies experts, as well as teachers who support preschool children, youngest students and their families on a daily basis. Therefore, the main theme of this volume is the educational value of dialogue, its relational nature and the importance that dialogue places on social debate in the public sphere. Bringing this difficult topic, which causes social tensions, under discussion, offers the promise of showing different perspectives on the phenomena under study, thus opening a space for a pedagogy of dialogue.

Published: 2023-09-29