Theoretical assumptions shaping creative attitude in preschool children

Keywords: Creativity, creative activity, the child's own activity, a creative attitude


Aim of this paper is to present some theoretical and practical aspects of the development of creative attitude in preschool children. Firstly, the clarification of terminology was presented, introducing the broad theme of creativity, one’s own activity, creative activity and creative attitude of the child. Due to the variety of creative approaches to the child we have chosen humanistic approach which indicates that the child is creative. Creativity manifests itself in child's own activity, creating works that are the result of his imagination, which organizes and transforms the information from the outside world. It is linked to the development and is driven by the need to grow. In the second place, we drew attention to the factors that favor the development of creative attitude in preschool children. The division on the conditions, context and environment helps to understand the complexity of this phenomenon. It also provides concrete evidence for the practice of teaching. At the end of the article we examine the basis of pre-school education program published in 2009 in order to identify the objectives and content that stimulate the development of children's creative attitude. The main demand and the application that results from an analysis of the literature is to help the teacher to notice and to realize that his job is to create an environment in which children can freely express themselves, and process the new reality for self-realization. The need for change in the approach to the role of the teacher was noted. He is to be a child companion, creating for him the situations to resolve.


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How to Cite
Surma, B. (2016). Theoretical assumptions shaping creative attitude in preschool children. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, (26/4), 13-28. Retrieved from

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